Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Overcoming Harassment and the Arts
harassment, being emotionally and mentally manipulated, and the usual
day-to-day stress is an art, in fact it is not just an affordable art but a
free one that people can have through the power of right thinking, faith, and
commitment to the beauty of life.
As long as there is a zest for life, even a high stage of
depression will not lead to suicide. Why give up life for people and situations
who and that are not worthy. Such thinking is an art itself! Harassment can be
brutal or subtle. You expect brutal harassment from people who is being carried
away by passion—maybe passion of wrath or fury. This may extremely look evil but
then the subtle one is more of serving an agenda, a scheme of inflicting damage
or destruction to someone for a reason. This is done clean yet nothing can be
darker than this. And if Biblical quote and other holy books will be taken into
consideration, this is the one extremely abhorred by the One as believed by
people to be the almighty of all. Knowing that, there is no reason to feel
defeated but more empowered and living a life with zest despite silence is an
inspiration that no wall painting of great artists can ever capture.
The willingness to live in goodness despite all the
aforementioned obstacles is one affordable art. It just takes nutrition, will
power, and faith, and of course a source of income to pay for it. As long as
these are still present, there is hope to live. Happiness can be claimed no
matter how hard. And amid harassment, with this happiness within and to one
self, love is again possible. This is an art—the most difficult form of when
compared to music, dance, poetry, and wall paintings. The truth is while one is
being busy restoring her life and living her life to fullness once again, the
people who are pre-occupied harassing her and devoting their time to damage her
have been losing much of their time because they have been so busy enough to live
yours and if what these people are doing means money for them in the long run,
this cannot pay for the damage they inflict to themselves which they will
realize in God’s perfect timing. Such thought is consoling. It is beautiful.
Art may not mean beautiful all the time but definitely anything beautiful is an
Monday, November 28, 2011
Greet your Morning Right!
Waking up in the morning is crucial to make or break your day. The day may be too long and unexpected ugly situations may arise sometime in the day but then nothing beats a morning when you are in a good mood to just sound trip while sipping your hot drink. Dust off a nice wall painting as it greets you with a brilliant day and you are good to smile humming with birds around.
Music in the background in whatever you do does not just inspire you over something or influence your mood but it starts your day with something to look forward to and that is happiness. You may wake up feeling in love, meditative, or nostalgic and there is always this song to support what you feel. And yes, you do not feel alone. You have a friend somewhere. It feels like the person singing sympathizes with your emotion. It seems that he understands. And if this is a soundtrack in the movie, you feel the actors and actresses with you. It feels like that the writer is sent by the heaven above to console you because God knows one day, one time you will feel this certain emotion and you needed to feel that He is there with you. Of whatever you feel, if you want to unleash the rock and roll personality in you, the wild and sexy in you, the sentimental fool in you, the holy in you, the hip and cool you, then there is a perfect music for you because the One who loves you truly, madly, deeply, wants to be with you from time to time. This does not apply to music alone but to all forms of arts. Because arts in entirety is also a venue where spirituality which is higher than our physical being resides. This is why artworks for sale that we see, no matter how expensive, are still given generously to the public.
Talent is the source of this artistic works. Talent is a gift from God. It does not necessarily mean that your wonderful voice is meant for gospel songs because such talent is to serve humanity. With it people never feel alone. But an art used to hit a person or used as part of an evil scheme to damage someone will be the same thing to be used to destroy the artist. There is no escape to it as to how God blesses the artist with so much happiness within as they see themselves as talented ones being appreciated.
##art for beginners ##
Friday, November 25, 2011
Your Art Match Made in Heaven

Art is happiness and so is happiness an art. Without this,
there is no entertainment. Amid the day-to-day stress, what people need is
entertainment. There are many forms of these yet there is at least one that perfectly
matches the interest of an individual.
Wall painting may take one to meditation just by looking at the piece
while music or dance for most is medium to overcome stress.
Whatever triggers an individuals’ emotion, passion, and
imagination is his art. Whatever keeps
his mind occupied of thinking over something is the talent hiding within him.
Music is for all but there are few who when listening to music gets carried
away. And in best scenario, it is not just emotion that is being triggered but
imagination is stimulated. And with this around, concentration over something
else is quite a challenge. There you
know, it is your art match made in heaven, meaning it is your talent—a gift.
Lucky for those who have not just been enjoying his own art but making this
known to public or better yet, making this as his one profitable and productive
career. And for those whose work is otherwise, discovering their true art is a
first step, and it is just up to them if they will make use of it as a career
or just simply make this as form of their entertainment to make their day
beautiful. And make them realize that life is worth living enough with this
pleasure which for others is simple but for the ones who have this gift in them,
they aren’t as described at all but one grand source of pleasure.
Wall paintings can make the life of a few boring but for an
artist whose life and whose fascination is painting these make his or her day.
It is either he creates one for past-time or make it as part of his business.
And in most of the time, looking through his own collection or even as that of
the others is already a stress-reliever for him—good enough to take away his
worries for the time being.
But others are more specified in their art form. As
for music, there are people who are hooked to jazz while many would love
dancing to the beat of hip hop. The same goes for painting. Others go for
abstract while some prefer portrait or if not the style, then its genre if it
is classic or contemporary, or over the medium used, for instance. Many would
love lacquer but then for the sophisticated ones, nothing beats an original oil
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Beauty in our Eyes

There is a cliché that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
but it is irrefutable too that people are similar than dissimilar and in one
point, they will agree to what is beautiful. People in general know what is
beautiful from what is not but what makes artists different from the rest is
not as to how they are capable of identifying one but more than anything, they
know very well how to execute it, ‘say in wall painting.
Let a child grow up in a jungle for years and once he grows
old, take him to a comfortable luxury hotel and he’d know exactly that where he
is at is a place of beauty without being exposed to it previously. And because
he doesn’t know what art is, then not in a chance he’ll see the place as work
of art but all he understands is that his new surrounding pleases his eyes. And
because he does not understand what an art piece is or what is an Asian art
from what is European, the moment this very same man was taken to museum, no
appreciation however is expected from him. And this is simply because art may
not be all beautiful but some are merely expression or a representation of
something like culture and tradition. What pleases the eyes of an individual
may differ but most often than not what displeases the eyes of one displeases
the rest, as well. In general, we have a grasp of what is beautiful, although
there are just some variations as to how we look at things or our surroundings.
It is like when people talk about something or someone as beautiful and another
person finds the very same subject as not beautiful, then he or she must have
just raised her standard of what beauty is or perhaps, the person just over
expected based from the opinion of the majority. And when this over expectation
has not been met, psychologically this beauty will not be attractive enough in
one’s eyes but it wasn’t mentioned at all that such is ugly.
beautiful a piece is, an art that is more beautiful exists somewhere and when
the two will be compared, then the former will be seen as not beautiful when
compared to the latter. But then, to mean the lesser as ugly is not in any way
insinuated. Given this, beauty in the eyes of the beholder may mean that
there are just degrees of what is beautiful that people see.
Friday, November 11, 2011
The Soul of Asia

Asia is a continent known for its diverse religions. Not in
a slim chance that one can spot an Asian country that is not driven by one
dominant religion. Such institution shaped the society and its values since the
time a respective country started to adopt the teachings of such. Basing from
these, we know then what influences Asian art, in general.
From here, the
culture and tradition followed which to-date dictates the values and morals of
the national socio-political system. Religion, basically, influences every move
of the nation. Such entirety is a large contributing factor as to how an
individual is reared until he grows old, mature enough to pursue his
preferences, to question reasons, and to come up with one as his own. This set
of beliefs imposed by religion can be manipulative depriving the society of
truth and controlling targeting the minds of individuals. In effect is a
society controlled not by aggression or by force but with mental control. This is how parents handle their children and
their youths until influences from outside make them exposed to what is real
and make them deviate from the values mentally imposed to them. But until then,
there is pure innocence. Despite once in a while being hooked to what the
societal standard deems wrong, lies within is purity. Conservative and
controlling upbringing leads a kid to be a child for a more prolonged period of
time. This happens most especially to
Asian countries that discourage its constituents to be exposed to Western
influences. When compared to arts, Asia is more of linear landscape wall painting
which creation is controlled as opposed to painterly abstract that is free
And such innocence and purity is the reason why Asians have
expressive eyes as that of a child. Eyes are said to be the windows of a soul.
It so happened that soul being spoken hereof is of innocence and purity. And
with such, mind does not prevail but all emotion—emotion which is the best tool
of an artist to create a work of art that is magnificent and incomparably
brilliant. And this is what Asian art takes advantage of. Artists, most
especially in the field of arts where acting is required, need to exude
feelings through their eyes. Unconsciously and effortlessly, the eyes work
because of powerful emotion less reason that can only be achieved from innocence.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Travel and Arts
Travelling is seeing beauty. People want to see the actual
picture of what inspires a beautiful landscape painting. This is why people
make sure that they get the best place possible when they plan to go on
vacation. It is very seldom that one travels to see the mishaps the other place
has not unless one is up for charity work or on a mission. Other than that,
eyes are set to beauty only.
spotted a place that disgusts them, moreso, if this place happens to be their
destination. Or if this is not the case, travellers, perhaps, over expected of
what to see which put their standard of beauty to unreasonable height
already. Simply put, in most cases,
people travel to be surrounded with eye-candies that for them are not up for
everyday treats. Whatever is in there to lure people to travel and to make the
travellers come back for more is an art. Contemporary art can be independent
from travel as a subject given that there are online sites that cater for this
alone and people need not even move from their seat just to have the affordable
art of expensive one they desire. But then travel as a subject is in no way
effective without tackling arts because we travel for beauty, comfort,
relaxation, or something that is strange to our eyes and these are all arts;
nothing more, nothing less.
more because less is the chance that contemporary arts will be ignored when
travel is dealt. After all, the best thing to mention when one travels is all
about happiness, beauty, experience, and convenience. All these are arts. And
literally, the more arts will be dealt of when the travellers start talking
about souvenirs or memorabilia to bring back home for keepsake or as giveaways
to friends and families.
represent the spot visited but miniatures will do like crafts or as simple as
pots hand-painted. And as for heavy fine arts like paintings, then better order
it online, hassle-free, baggage-free, and most of all stress-free. Just Google
and browse what to find. Let the mouse work and click on the desired art. Check
it out and you are as good as having the brilliant piece of affordable art in
your hand.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Art in our Eyes

The window to the soul is our eyes. And when we speak of such,
we only mean “I”. It is “ourselves”. It is our soul that defines us of whether
we are one affordable art or a wall painting of rarity, or just simply a common
It is that “I” which
comprises our intelligence, our spirituality, our personality, our innate
talent, our desires, and some other more aspects that define who we are but
most of all, it is our feeling over something that gives color to our soul. And
it is our passion that ignites it. Expressive eyes are meant to be artists
because in these eyes, emotion is transmitted. And artists are not artists
without emotion ignited by passion. The eyes serve as the evidence of what the
person feels. If eyes cannot express the feeling within, then art will be
lacking emotion. This is why Asian art is expressive because Asians are known
to have eyes that emote. And as they create their art piece, you can tell how
passionate they are in doing so just by merely looking at their eyes. And the
outcome from this is brilliance. Passion is the key to brilliant art. It is the
powerful emotion of one’s soul that creates an art to stand out from the rest.
Our eyes carry our facial expression. Yet the most effective to touch the
hearts of someone is through expressive eyes and eyes become like this when the
soul is pure and spirit is at its height. This is why it is very important to
nourish our spirit and feed our soul constantly with meditation and reflection
because there lies who we are.
Considering the aforementioned, when we say that purity in
one’s soul projects an innocent yet very heart-warming expression as that of seen in
the eyes of a child, we understand then as to why many young Asian artists are
great performers as actors and actresses because they are reared to be
conservative retaining their innocence. The moment they emote, the purity of
their soul is expressed creating a brilliant acting just by making their eyes
work effortlessly and unconsciously.
People from Asia are known for their small eyes relatively when compared
to other races. These small eyes cover a big beautiful innocent soul making
such eyes very expressive and these are the small ones which the field of art,
especially the field of acting, takes advantage of.