Art is happiness and so is happiness an art. Without this,
there is no entertainment. Amid the day-to-day stress, what people need is
entertainment. There are many forms of these yet there is at least one that perfectly
matches the interest of an individual.
Wall painting may take one to meditation just by looking at the piece
while music or dance for most is medium to overcome stress.
Whatever triggers an individuals’ emotion, passion, and
imagination is his art. Whatever keeps
his mind occupied of thinking over something is the talent hiding within him.
Music is for all but there are few who when listening to music gets carried
away. And in best scenario, it is not just emotion that is being triggered but
imagination is stimulated. And with this around, concentration over something
else is quite a challenge. There you
know, it is your art match made in heaven, meaning it is your talent—a gift.
Lucky for those who have not just been enjoying his own art but making this
known to public or better yet, making this as his one profitable and productive
career. And for those whose work is otherwise, discovering their true art is a
first step, and it is just up to them if they will make use of it as a career
or just simply make this as form of their entertainment to make their day
beautiful. And make them realize that life is worth living enough with this
pleasure which for others is simple but for the ones who have this gift in them,
they aren’t as described at all but one grand source of pleasure.
Wall paintings can make the life of a few boring but for an
artist whose life and whose fascination is painting these make his or her day.
It is either he creates one for past-time or make it as part of his business.
And in most of the time, looking through his own collection or even as that of
the others is already a stress-reliever for him—good enough to take away his
worries for the time being.
But others are more specified in their art form. As
for music, there are people who are hooked to jazz while many would love
dancing to the beat of hip hop. The same goes for painting. Others go for
abstract while some prefer portrait or if not the style, then its genre if it
is classic or contemporary, or over the medium used, for instance. Many would
love lacquer but then for the sophisticated ones, nothing beats an original oil
## art for beginners ##
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