
Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Handle Love Again

What if you do not know how to handle love again? All you know is to admire and be admired. But handling love again must be overwhelming or perhaps be deemed as something strange to deal with. It can be challenging to the new one if there will be. Or is it really going to be your problem or you will just let the other person handle and cope with the challenge like how a non-artist will make a landscape painting for the first time? Anyway, is loving again a challenge? Or just a new phase in life?

On top of doubt of handling love again, another worry is the person might be someone sent or part of the orchestration to inflict pain on you for years given that you were attacked left and right. May God take care of you when you are about to entrust your heart again to someone. May you fall for someone whose least agenda is to see you cry. May he not be part of a group who tried the best they can to inflict pain on you. May God spare you from him, if that is the case. There is no glory of loving someone who sees every wrong in you while empowering all the people around you to damage you to just simply turn you to a cheap craft. With all these thoughts, not to mention of years of not having romantic love at all may really be quite a big challenge on your part, not unless the one whom you are going to be with is God, then perharps, he can handle this with ease. And unto him, you will trust again. The sad truth, however, is that humans are not God which makes it really scary to start loving again. After all, it feels good to be friends with the former someone you are with and who is still constantly with you, not to mention your comfort zone is not in anyway threatened.

And as you think of all these, you perhaps would rather take the advice of many to just simply enjoy single blessedness given that since the time men discovered your charm during your youth, you had not experienced to be single. It was just recently  when you had the chance to choose which Asian art is better in the wall without considering if the other party will like it, too. At first, they wooed you and the moment you allowed someone in your life, it has been you who have been hooked to the person. Maybe that is how a woman really is until such time you slapped yourself of the word “enough”. And hopefully, by the time love begins again, you know how to leave a quarter of your whole to yourself.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Just a lovely thought!

Yes, you know that you are a full-blown adult. And that you have surpassed many challenges and overcame not simple obstacles but major ones in your life. Yet hearing from someone that he will take care of you is making you too feminine, child-like, dependent, clingy, weak. They aren’t good qualities at all, when we come to think of it. But then, these make any woman happy. She feels like the Best of Asian art, in an instant.

Women now are independent. They earn. They work. They are free. This is awesome but it is nice to know that there is someone, too, who thinks of you from afar and would be proud to say that he will take care of you.  You know you aren’t that young anymore to be taken care of. But the thought lingers. Somehow, you just want to lean on and be less strong. It feels like all the while without you knowing it, you are in his heart and somebody has been with you. And when you cry, his spirit fights for you. He is not God, you know that so well that he isn’t it. But by and by, you are becoming too aware that he is God-given sent to you. You see the signs that are not orchestrated or directed. You see signs that no one has control over. You are getting old and you had no idea if you and the other person will end up together or it is just that your souls are connected just like some mystery that life brings to us once in a while. Whatever that means, you just trust the universe, trust the heavens, trust that a greater force than any human being is to work on mysterious ways, all for the betterment of you and of him.
You realize that God loves you so much that He sent someone from far away to love you and take care of you. He is non-believer of your faith but God must have entrusted you to him because he has a god soul. Life is a mystery. But from this, we are close to realization that souls of the universe are connected. Contrary to what is popular that the souls of the dead are connecting to that of the living, souls of live bodies connect to each other without their physical bodies being aware of it. What a glorious thought! How can this be a subject of wall painting? It must not be easy to create one

Friday, June 22, 2012

Just Some Thought to Write

You were preparing for two cups of hot choco for your son and you and when all of a sudden there were thoughts that came to mind which you felt like they needed to be written as how an artist needed to start hiswall paintings right away when inspired.

 As you sat down to jot everything, there was a challenge to recall these thoughts because in an instant, they seemed like they faded from your memory with all these Christmas carols in the background. Ahhh, maybe it was the memory of your pieces of jewelry when they were stolen. You did not know why prior to that, you stared at its beauty as if it was the first time you saw them. Same situation just happened recently when you discovered that your last piece was being again taken away from you. You were writing and all of a sudden, you glimpsed at the ring from angle to angle.  There was a premonition, some sort of intuition of what was going to happen. You asked inspiration from God from what these people are doing and then you started reading anything that came across via Google. Your searched landed to Mayan Calendar. As you read through, it says there that the coming years after or prior to end of mayan calendar, intuition will work instead of reason and mental. Spirituality will be heightened. And you know God had been guiding you of what to come with your little pieces as used as sacrifice.  And you thank God how wonderfully you were chosen by Him to guide the people when in fact you are one sassy  girl, and as they say hot and cool, sweet but evil when swagger is shown.

 Another thing that came to mind is the memory when you were last harassed and attacked. You opened the Bible and asked for guidance. You weren’t able to memorize the verse but the message was clear. It is to remove the pride from these people and such goal is left in your hands. Come to think of it! When people are making your environment a hell to be entrapped to a place or group where they want you to belong and you resisted not the thought of being with these people but the system as to how they execute their plans, and along the way, they hit you with character attack of being proud, you realize it was not you who is proud at all but them. They want you. They come to you. They talk to you. They propose their plan. They eat their pride. But they could not. It does not matter how much pain you feel as long as you submit to their subtle whims. Then, you are not the one proud. There was a subtle harassment. There was a plot to make your environment a hell, so that you’d be directed somewhere else or to whomever who wants you. That is pride. And God is right.  The heaven knows you how humble you are. The heaven admires your humility yet the proud wanted to turn around situation and God said, take charge! --- You are the best of Asian art. Well, the last part is just an extension of the story which comes from imagination.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

In Search of Someone Again?!

How to spot the best one for you after you realize you are now ready to start a relationship with someone else? And yes, we consider that you are not young anymore and with a child or children, as well. On top of typical qualifications that women have for their men, nothing beats your search for someone who cannot take the fact that you are being hurt.  Consider him an original oil painting amid too many replicas and prints.

Someone who is interested with you wants to know everything about you. Why not when he is an avid fan? But then, he cannot be someone who will gather all accounts from people and take note of their negative remarks where he can plot some situations to give you lesson the hard way. If that is the case, run wherever and whenever! The least thing you want is to be with this kind of person. He can be the biggest man on earth in terms of power and money but if he is not to use these for your happiness but instead inflict pain on you if things did not go his way or if there are things that you do that did not pass his taste, then better start praying to all the gods, goddess, God, saints, and heavenly bodies to spare you from this man because there is the right man for you in the right time. It is just about trusting God that He sends you that someone who will not just be with you temporarily but until you grow older. Someone being with you is not what matters but him as happy with just the sight of you and as for you, life will never be the same without him on top of your son is magic.

Yes, you passed your youth. But loving someone and being loved again is the best part. Just be careful that none of those who stressed your life is in anyway part of him. If you will not be careful, you’d end up with this person who can use people around you to hit you anytime things did not go his way. From brilliant Asian art, he can just turn you in to a trash in just a snap. The good thing about loving when you passed your youth is the acknowledgment of the fact that there is a great need to love wisely. Otherwise, you’ll end up as adult woman hopping from one man to another when you have subjected yourself to chastity and purity while waiting for the right one to come.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Young and Its Powerful Wants

The young and the restless are the ones to achieve so many things. And this is not because they have too much stamina and stronger but because their mind is so innocent as not to think of the consequence of what they are doing. The moment they feel like of doing something, they go ahead without inhibition and even speak without thinking. Their open mind can create a landscape painting from the heart and not based from reason.

As one could think of the above-mentioned as pure negative, they are not because what they do and what they feel when channelled in the right direction could be led by spirituality for a purpose. They may not be spiritual or religious but such innocence of mind and purity of heart are guided by a higher force, greater than that of the universe and the rest of the creations.  No matter what they do when the mind is innocent, the heart became of pure intention. This is why, when talents of the young are tapped, they shine. They go for the limelight without even being aware that the place they put themselves into is a limelight itself.  These are the ones who speak what they feel. They may look like affordable arts but truly their mind work wonders like a brilliant and precious art. And they just simply go for something that they feel pursuing. And most especially, they are the ones who do not act based on reason but based on emotion. Result might be crazy but the impact of the deeds is intense—enough to create a difference, innovation; creative enough to invent or to come up with something unusual but relevant.  This madness, all of a sudden, stops when adults intervene.  As they intervene, the young withdrew and from then all he would see are all negative consequences of his act. Things can become chaotic when adults meddle. And of course this is for some case where the young is stopped from pursuing something so big.

And as adults would justify the intervention, they would say things like fear, frustration, disappointment, too ambitious, not being contented, and worse proud and being a braggart, too aggressive or arrogant. From these, the mind so innocent of the young became corrupted and would just settle to mediocrity, rather. This is because the young has not experienced the pain brought by frustration and failure which the adults are too aware of.  This is the same feeling that adults transfer to the young to make them withdraw from their pursuit. The mind that once saw no impossibility only might have been clogged now with impurities-- from a mind that is of landscape painting, it turned out to be a trash.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Write what’s in the mind!

Nothing is compared to writing where every detail of what resides in your heart is poured out. Its direct expression is not as vague as what we see in a wall painting. It is healing. It is therapy. It is a voice and what an expression. And as you read through your content, they speak of general things you want in life. It is to have a better life with your son while keeping yourself youthful, healthy and beautiful.

On top of that, you ask for fortune to come your way, not to mention that until now you still wait for your knight in shining armour, your prince charming, your soulmate. Whatever that is, to simplify you are waiting for him as he is the one. If we go on the details based of the above-mentioned, you are then seeking for Shangri-la—utopic, ideal! A life of perfection will better simplify everything. Who would not want it? Who wants to resist such thoughts? All are in the mind. In our minds, everything exists as how we want to perceive existence of anything that is placed in our hearts. Fortune cannot mask what lack of love can give. But love is too painful when it exists amid poverty. And so, these can be overpowered by someone by someone whose health and beauty is deteriorating. And what are all these without your only child? Such thoughts lead you to come up with such realization that what you want which are all reflective in your writing is indeed a Shangri-la! Now that you come to your senses, all you can do for now is to gulp on bottles of water to keep your sanity still intact because for what you have been through such paradise resides in a landscape painting alone.

Yet you are positive that perfection lies on earth like a polished and refined wall painting. In fact, it is all in the mind. The man for you waits for the right time to fall on your lap. Fortune will flow like how falls drop from the mountains in mass. And health and beauty will be fully restored.  And you know that you and your son will finally be happy forever and ever. It sounds like what we read in a fairy tale book. It does not matter. Since childhood, everything you want have been actualized because as you know all just run to and fro your heart and mind. It is all about faith and belief!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The True Ones are Your Classic Friends

You might lose contact with your friends. And when you speak of friends—these are the ones whom you shared years of your life with not just during times that you go through looking for artworks for sale but at times lower or greater than that. They are the ones who know your worth and not the new ones who are brainwashed or people who are under a shadow of someone who hates you.

They might not be your true friends now but they had been and they are simply unforgettable. Your friends can speak of your greatness—not your husband or in-laws who just came recently to your life and who saw you as just someone in the house doing all the chores. If someone told you, “ you do not know your worth”, trust him because he or she sees so much in you that people do not see. Most of the time, it is a friend who believes in you that will say so and not your family. It is your friends who know your worth who respect you when many of your acquaintances can see you as just as someone not to laugh with but to laugh at. Life is perfect with them. You can expect that it is them who will have a hard time taking the fact that you live in a place that does not suit you when others see the place as just okay and fine. There, you will realize how great they see of you! They are the ones who see you as someone who will put an original oil painting in the wall of value and will not settle for less than that. They are the ones who can easily understand without a doubt your cause of depression without you saying a word because they know who you really are.

 Yes, many are righteous who will impose onto you things like being content, satisfied, simple, and some other more. They are right. It is righteousness. But not all people who are right are for you. Not all people who are right love you. Many times, while you follow their advice of righteousness, you will just be surprised to wake up one day that they have strived to what you have always wanted, for themselves. People who see so much in you and believe in you more than you believe in yourself, are most of the times your friends who have been part of you and have known you.

They are priceless. They love you being a spoiled brat. They hated it when you changed. Those are friends. It had been a big shift in your life when all of a sudden you have been surrounded by people who are not your friends but acting on behalf of someone or some groups who see all the wrong in you and would make it sure that everything you say or do, as well as your opinion need to pass their taste just as how a thread needs to pass the needle to come up with canvass to be used for artwork for sale. Otherwise, they have a way to make you prove you are wrong. Obviously, these are not your friends and never will be. Your classic ones are your real ones.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Cult System

How does a cult system work? Any organization is cult-like of whether this is religious or not. They operate on a reward and punishment system. Reward comes from what they earn from you. And punishment will be damaging for life.  They can easily turn you into a cheap craft from being the best of Asian art.

If you are an ordinary member of a group or an organization that operates via cult-system, you may find it just fine. There will be no harm done on you but not if you are their hot commodity. You will get punished from time to time the moment you did something that did not pass their taste. They amassed fortune from you or at your expense while you live like a rugrat in the middle of their emotional attack and brainwashing people to hit you. They do this while you see yourself as a brilliant artwork for sale. You have no idea how damaging they have been doing to you. Not to mention, that there is no way of escaping the misery because they will box you in by eliminating others that is not part of them. And if you connect to the one whom they have not connected yet, expect that they have a way to break the relationship. The moment the person has inflicted pain on you, he gets reward. And all these are subtly done with no trace of evidence. Cult has every record of you including all your moves, communication, and people around you. These are the things they use to manipulate your situation. They can harass you anytime if they want to. There is no love for them. It is just about money. The love given to the members is fake. They oppress the one whom they are making money from and benefit the members who are used to hit their poor victim. Living within the group is hell alive. There is no freedom with them. There are no arguments with them. They will just punish you with you while not being aware of it. You will just notice that why in a snap your life has been a living hell.

They know what entrapment is. If you are not in a group that they intend you should, you expect that every relationship you have will be broken. They can make you a trash out of being an Asian art in an instant. And you end up to the set of people that they have blessing to be with you and that people will lure you with so much love. The moment you leave, nothing makes anything different. You are again in hell!  Oh hell, many members have gone mad and died with this system.

Monday, June 4, 2012

State of Depression

Depression is not easy to cure unlike other physical diseases if harassment or the cause of depression is ongoing and they accuse you of being paranoid already when you know deception and human degradation that no ordinary one of typical strength can endure exist in the realm of reality and not just a vision that you see as you stare at a landscapepainting.

Depression attacks in different degrees. There are times, mobility is tasking while during fortunate times, creating a magnificent Asian art just happens in a snap. More than anything, healing comes from within and not from outside force. Yet despite the effort to live normal and making oneself productive, moving forward is not that easy when there are people around who keep on playing mind tricks on you, harassing you underground, using all against you, and punishing you behind the scene if things do not go their way. You do not know what these people want or what contest is going on that they keep on hitting on you, or just simply you are hella a commodity where people can amass fortune from. And yes, this is all in the middle of you fighting depression for years. But managing to survive is a miracle already. Despite some unusual situations, you know very well you are the best of Asian art. And we speak of not just living but as much as possible living productively, decently while being in charge of some other tasks. And along the way, you know there is God behind you. While He takes care of you, there are people who inflict more pain on you left and right. It might be sad but is true but as they say, reality bites and there is no worry with God on your side.

Along the journey, you realize how much you have achieved relatively with your health situation. You face harassment and the cruelty of inconsiderate people, you develop yourself and restore the knowledge that you lost, you built a career out of ugly situations, you manage to take care of a child and a house and fight your attackers with swagger and make them submit to you instead of you giving in to them.

Yet despite the strength shown, a few days in a month make it hard to move. The heart just feels like on the verge of exploding. The pain rests in the mind. The heart palpitates just like that. And you remember your underground harassers, the people turning around situation to make you look bad, the fate that you caught while in the middle of all these you remained to have so much zest for life. And tears just flow. They become unstoppable. And a click on a keyboard, no matter how much strength to put on your finger seems hurtful. Yet you manage to put doubt to people that you are in a state of depression because throughout the years, you have learned to manage yourself well. The worst is that people use this mental illness to make excuses from harassing you. They do this subtly and plead innocent. They run away from the crime with ease after all who would believe that they are guilty when you are known to be depressed!