Women now are independent. They earn. They work. They are
free. This is awesome but it is nice to know that there is someone, too, who
thinks of you from afar and would be proud to say that he will take care of
you. You know you aren’t that young
anymore to be taken care of. But the thought lingers. Somehow, you just want to
lean on and be less strong. It feels like all the while without you knowing it,
you are in his heart and somebody has been with you. And when you cry, his
spirit fights for you. He is not God, you know that so well that he isn’t it.
But by and by, you are becoming too aware that he is God-given sent to you. You
see the signs that are not orchestrated or directed. You see signs that no one
has control over. You are getting old and you had no idea if you and the other
person will end up together or it is just that your souls are connected just
like some mystery that life brings to us once in a while. Whatever that means,
you just trust the universe, trust the heavens, trust that a greater force than
any human being is to work on mysterious ways, all for the betterment of you
and of him.
You realize that God loves you so much that He
sent someone from far away to love you and take care of you. He is non-believer
of your faith but God must have entrusted you to him because he has a god soul.
Life is a mystery. But from this, we are close to realization that souls of the
universe are connected. Contrary to what is popular that the souls of the dead
are connecting to that of the living, souls of live bodies connect to each
other without their physical bodies being aware of it. What a glorious thought!
How can this be a subject of wall painting? It must not be easy to create one
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