
Monday, July 30, 2012

Just Renting Art

Why do small businesses or other big corporations opt for art rental than just buying the artwork outright? Thousands of dollars are spent for wall paintings to be set in the domestic front. Then how come companies who spend big bucks for office furniture would just rent an art piece than just keeping it for good?

No one can dispute the positive vibes that corporate art exudes up to the executive level down to their base of clientele. Companies of whether corporations, partnership or sole proprietorship know that artwork will put credibility to their business, most especially if the workplace is being visited by the customers.  Corporate art among other advantages give the impression that the company is “can afford” to bring the profit back to people. Otherwise, such business will be tagged as small attracting small investors and cheap customers.

The aesthetics or the overall appearance of the company office says so much about its fund to run the business. This is very important secondarily to the customers but primarily to the group of investors.  However most of the time, it is not easy to justify the millions of dollars spent for the corporate art, most especially when investors start to audit. And because investors fund whatever the company needs, every single cent spent or every dime that needs to be cashed out require justification.  It is very challenging to create a valid reason as to why the business needs millions and dollars for a wall painting or for an artwork that will serve as the company logo. Here is where art rental solves the issue.

As much as the business wants to convince the investors that a wall painting or a sculpture from a renowned artist is a good investment, and that soon it will be sold for the nth times higher than the original price, it is not an outstanding professional reason no matter how this can be thought several times.  This can be logical to discuss the art purchase ROI only if this is the company’s business. Otherwise, when ROI is dealt during the meeting or conference with the investors, expected to be discussed is the ROI from what the company is running.

With the aforementioned discussion in mind, art rental becomes the wisest decision for businesses to display corporate art. Company pays a fragment in a month from the actual selling price of the art piece. Once it doesn’t serve the purpose anymore of entertainment, beautification, and expression, it is discarded and handed over back to the art dealer or the artist/owner himself.


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