
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Overcoming Harassment and the Arts

Striving to live life to the fullest despite underground
harassment, being emotionally and mentally manipulated, and the usual
day-to-day stress is an art, in fact it is not just an affordable art but a
free one that people can have through the power of right thinking, faith, and
commitment to the beauty of life.

As long as there is a zest for life, even a high stage of
depression will not lead to suicide. Why give up life for people and situations
who and that are not worthy. Such thinking is an art itself! Harassment can be
brutal or subtle. You expect brutal harassment from people who is being carried
away by passion—maybe passion of wrath or fury. This may extremely look evil but
then the subtle one is more of serving an agenda, a scheme of inflicting damage
or destruction to someone for a reason. This is done clean yet nothing can be
darker than this. And if Biblical quote and other holy books will be taken into
consideration, this is the one extremely abhorred by the One as believed by
people to be the almighty of all. Knowing that, there is no reason to feel
defeated but more empowered and living a life with zest despite silence is an
inspiration that no wall painting of great artists can ever capture.

The willingness to live in goodness despite all the
aforementioned obstacles is one affordable art. It just takes nutrition, will
power, and faith, and of course a source of income to pay for it. As long as
these are still present, there is hope to live. Happiness can be claimed no
matter how hard. And amid harassment, with this happiness within and to one
self, love is again possible. This is an art—the most difficult form of when
compared to music, dance, poetry, and wall paintings. The truth is while one is
being busy restoring her life and living her life to fullness once again, the
people who are pre-occupied harassing her and devoting their time to damage her
have been losing much of their time because they have been so busy enough to live
yours and if what these people are doing means money for them in the long run,
this cannot pay for the damage they inflict to themselves which they will
realize in God’s perfect timing. Such thought is consoling. It is beautiful.
Art may not mean beautiful all the time but definitely anything beautiful is an


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