
Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Arts and the Power of the Mind

The mind is very powerful. It works in extreme emotion, in love, in pain, in wrath. When the mind works, it tramples down the orchestration or the connivance of many to inflict pain over. The heart and mind are not shielded with pain but this works to retaliate without fabricating foul play. As they say, it is all in the mind. It is not just wall painting that it produces but thoughts that go beyond the common arts.

The mind that does wonders is the mind, not of the intelligent academically, but as that of the creative. Creative mind can run wild, can go to the extreme, can explore the infinite. But most of the time, this takes place only in the mind of the innocent but when stopped and slapped with the consequences or when taken advantage of by those shrewd and manipulative ones, such becomes inhibited. But a powerful mind goes on without giving a hint that what is being done is already made known to the victim. It becomes too powerful that the only thing that needs to be done is to smile while waiting for the disastrous fate of the other one—no scheming will take place but all divine because an innocent creative mind is backed up by the universe and the One above it.Creative minds are the art source. These arts serve as light to the universe. When things become dark, arts give hope to humanity because it reminds us as a whole that every beautiful thing that makes people happy, entertained, support their aching emotion, their loving hearts, and their grief is created by human minds which in effect will remind us of our worth to later on restore the confidence we lost along the way.

A scheme, a mind-setting, or a foul play to cause destruction to someone succeeds with intelligent ones behind it but a powerful mind when it retaliates can melt a nation, can cause disaster, can rock the earth, can make a society suffer without them knowing where the curse came from. A person who has this is gifted. A person who possesses this gift is creative. A person who has this innate creativity within her is a talent-personified and surely a person who is as described will prefer to sulk in to tears than fight because she knows the destruction she can cause when she lets her emotion go. She is the very same one whom you do not like to be your enemy.


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