
Monday, May 7, 2012

Long Distance Relationship—does it work?

Is long distance relationship possible? How long will it last when everybody needs someone to hold and someone who will do the same for her? For women, it is like an everyday staring activity at a wall painting wishing that it will talk back to her. Thanks to internet and other means of communication but when two people are in love, it is a fact that you want each other to have and to hold.

Young love or mature love only hates the fact that the other person is out of sight. Work may be an excuse but seeing her or him before they retire for the day is enough of security that they have someone to hold on to. Now, long distance relationships survive through the internet. Communication is instant as opposed to before that each party needed to consider saving for phone bills or better yet, they could you use postal mail and wait for weeks to get updated as to how each had spent their days, weeks, and months. But now, dating is easy.  Showing how much you care for the other person is not challenging at all. It can be as easy as browsing for artworks for sale online. Making the other person feel secured that someone is right there for her is simply amazing but loving romantically without being with each other physically is maddening. All the more that trust and commitment should be embraced. Yet despite all these challenges, couples who can make their love grow day by day in a long distance relationship have promising lasting and loving relationship but it is also needs to be noted that some couples may even get used to loving their partners via online communication that it will be awkward for them to see, to love, and to hold their partner in the real world, meaning “un-cyber”. She would rather then settle looking at wall paintings and feel the depth of love that is more of in her mind. Everything then becomes just a story for her, a fragment of her imagination.

Long distance relationship happens to many. Those who met online know exactly of the situation that they will face but it is quite a challenge for those who started courtship in a physical world, had been together for sometime and part ways for some reasons like work. Missing each other is heart-crushing at this point and learning how to get used to the new system is like learning to emotionally detach oneself to the other which, somehow, not loving is all about.


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